This website is the official SALES page for the Namaqualand Treasure Hunt. As this is mostly a armchair treasure hunt – the official TREASURE HUNT platform can be visited at: Go-Get-It.Org
Our mission with the Namaqualand Treasure Hunt extends beyond adventure; we aim to raise worldwide awareness about nature conservation in the Namaqualand, especially the Namaqualand Coastal Plains region, locally referred to as the Namaqualand Sandveld.
The Namaqualand Treasure Hunt was conceived and developed to share the intriguing history of this unique desert landscape, particularly its exceptional fauna and flora, with the global community. This endeavor receives generous support from various private companies and nature conservation groups, all dedicated to preserving the natural wonders of Namaqualand.
The illustration [poster image] below gives you an idea on how this treasure hunt is manage online. You can visit the different URL’s for more detailed information.